Female Portraits
This representation was the second (immediately after the self-portrait) that I began to investigate and represent in my work.One of the main reasons that prompted me to create so many drawings whose epicenter was a woman is that I grew up in a predominantly female universe, where women have always been the protagonists.
If I think back to my childhood, a constant emerges from my memories: it is the fact that I spent most of my time in the laboratory with my mother as well as endless afternoons in the company of my grandmothers.
I’ve always been surrounded by strong, proud, and beautiful women.
Therefore, I am convinced that having lived in a sort of matriarchy has certainly influenced the choice of subjects for my drawings.
It is no coincidence that when I represent the human figure, I always choose the female one.
In addition to my admiration for the women who raised me, also other reasons led me to prefer the female figure as my works’ subject.
The gentleness of the lineaments, the mystery of the look, the depth and sensitivity hid in a woman have always exercised an enormous fascination in me.
On the other hand, it is undeniable that the female figure is much more graceful and balanced than the male one.
I also find that every woman possesses a kind of aura of inner mystery.
Therefore, these aspects led me to investigate the female figure and try to grasp this sense of mystery, immortalizing it on the sheet.
Whether they are dreaming with their eyes closed or with faces engaged in a grimace, these female busts try to communicate us different moods such as fear, quiet, or disturbance.

Therefore, although these female figures may seem immobilized and petrified by the condition imposed on them by the pedestal, they are alive and far from being a statue, as they are capable of communicating different emotions and moods to us.
Finally, there is one more reason why I decided to portray only women, and this is that, trivially, I can recognize myself in them.
In fact, each portrait becomes a self-portrait, a sort of projection of myself in the subject.
In this mutual mirroring, each work is a mixture between the model who is portrayed and me drawing her; a close and tacit collaboration in which the woman represented embodies, at the same time, many others.
Therefore, these are the reasons that led me to portray some women I have always found fascinating, mysterious, or intriguing.

Click here below if you want to see more of my Female Portraits.
Click here to discover the collection of “Female Portraits
If you want to read the other articles that talk about my works’ other subjects, you find the links below.
– Click here to read the article about the Self Portraits
– Click here to read the article about the Animals on Pedestal
– Click here to read the article about the Still Lifes
Now I’d better go back to sharpening the pencils. See you soon!