My first collaboration presented at Fuorisalone 2021

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La mia prima collaborazione presentata al Fuorisalone 2021
In this article, I want to tell you about my first collaboration with another company and show you what we have created together.

But let’s start with the introductions.

The company I worked with is Casarialto, a company specializing in the production of tableware and furnishing accessories mainly made of glass.

The company is run by her founder Catherine Urban, who, moved by a passion for Italian craftsmanship, decided to launch a completely new project called Casarialto Atelier.

What is Casarialto Atelier?

Casarialto Atelier is a project that intends to promote, finance, distribute and export the production of new objects, always thought for the home, made by different artisans who Casarialto’s team has moved to create something new.
In practice, Catherine and her staff support and help the artisans go beyond their usual production to obtain something new and unexpected.

In my case, what has been developed are wooden boxes that reproduce my original drawings (specifically made for this project) and, obviously, have been decorated with the application of the gold leaf.
Scatola di legno decorata
It was very interesting to go from two-dimensional support such as paper to the plasticity of a box that transported my drawings on three-dimensional support, giving them different and unexpected points of view from which to be observed.
Scatola di legno decorata Scatola di legno decorata

The exhibition at Fuorisalone

“Moved by the desire to collaborate and help artisans enhance their visibility, I am launching a new project of co-creations that combines creativity and savoir-faire in a series of exclusive pieces.

I collaborate challenging and encouraging them to create something completely new and unique, an object they have never made before”.

With these words, Catherine presented her new project to the world during Milano Design Week 2021.
And what a wonderful setting was chosen for the Fuorisalone exhibition!

In fact, the event was held at Palazzo Litta; a fascinating place of extraordinary beauty.
Although the exhibition was only visible for a few days (from the 5th to the 10th September), it was a great success, and I am really grateful to Casarialto for allowing me to exhibit my works in such a prestigious context and on the occasion of an event as important as the Fuorisalone.

Without considering the fact that I am really proud to be part of this stimulating project together with other talented artisans!

If you want to know more about the Casarialto Atelier project or if you want to buy the golden boxes, you can click below to visit the dedicated website.

Show me Casarialto Atelier website

Now I’d better go back to sharpening the pencils. See you soon!
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